~~~Atenntionnnnnnnnnnnnn~~~ : Try this hack in a dummy account that you have lvl 40+ because it need to delte the Char to make hack work OK !!! I dont know if it works or no so you try first on dummy account OK ~~~!!!~~~
1. Lvl cheat you must be above 40
2. play ninja saga
3. go to headquarters, and then click Apply now emblem
4. out if a new tab, just ignore
5. open cheat engine hex settings, Array, Asrom ..
6. Scan cheat code engine with D6 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 F6
7. Do not forget to refresh ninja saga
8. then change the speed speedhack 0
9. select ninja char saga
10. Click Upgrade char
11. A scan ninja name saga
12. Move all the tabs adrres CE
13. ignore the name on the table ninja saga CE
14. 500.0 speedhack change the speed
15. delete char
16. refresh the page again
17. Click create, create suitably named ninja saga that the delete was
18. Play Ninja saga as usual, complete the steps
19. refresh ninja saga
20. click visit friend
21. a scan ninja lv friend
22. Out of the address, click the reply value x is not changed, still black, then put it into table addresses CE
23. Type the address in the locker with a text
24. click ok, change the value name ninja friend
25. After that refresh the page, do not forget to refresh the server time in order to save
26. lid CE
27. Do not play ninja saga within 1 day
28. after 1day, play ninja saga
29. char lv 60 + User Emblem full XP tp TP and Talent LvL 10
I Dont know if it works !! I just found it !!