Archive for Januari 2012

Selasa, 24 Januari 2012
Posted by GaNz

Wild Ones trick dapet treats banyak sekitar 100

Hai gan ketemu lagi,Tapi kali ini bukan hack biasa melainkan free treats ini saya buat dengan sebetulnya lho.....Kalian bakal cengok deh mau tahu lanjut gan

  • Google chrome(no Mozila)
  • teh

  1. Creat new char wild ones
  2. Buka 10 Tab baru
  3. semua tab itu semuanya buka wild ones.
  4. setelah masuk wild ones kamu sesuaikan dengan achievement mis:beli 3 sampai 10 baju,lebih gampang beli baju aja.
  5. Belikan 10 baju pada tab pertama dan nanti akan dapat treats.
  6. Belikan baju lagi pada 9 Tab yang lain.......
  7. dan kamu bakal dapet banyak treats hahahahahaha
  8. SO Enjoy
Posted by GaNz

Tips Untuk Memenangkan 200 Treats|Wild Ones

Hahahahaha Agan yang ganteng pasti mau dapet 200 Treats kayak saya kan?Mau Gk Nih Jackpot....Kasih Aku Duit dulu.....Hahahaha bercanda gan nyok Lanjut

  • Cheat Engine
  • 10 treats(Minimal)
  1. Buka Wild Ones
  2. Buka C.E Pilih Browsermu
  3. Pergi ke games truz cari slot machine
  4. Kalau sudah speed hacknya jadi 500.0
  5. Klik Bet Max pada slot machine tunggu sebentar dan kamu dapat degh!!
NB:Cheat Ini Belum tentu bisasaya pernah coba dpt 200 treats kamu?Jika sudah dapat lebih banyak dimohon jangan bermain lagi nanti Fatal Lho
Jangan pernah memperjualkan Cheat!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by GaNz

Cara Bikin Link 15 Treats (Wild Ones)

Contoh Link yg udah expired:

nah misal agan main...trus nembak ke musuh kalo ada pesan di samping kanan..
misalnya pesan "direct hit"...pencet "tell my friend" di situ copy link addressnya...
pokoknya link yg ada kode "bapiTicketId" bru bisa...
taruh di notepad
Contoh Link:

nah dari link itu agan ambil yng kode bapiTicketId=34d7412-6133-42d7-833a-569f158d4a65 ambil kode setelah =

trus paste ke link yg atas yg ane kasih...
nah trus bka fb dan paste ke alamat browser agan...kalo berhasil agan dpet 15 treats ( dpt pesan "Sweet You Just Won 15 Treats") kalo gk work ("UH-OH! Sorry furball,this link has expired")

kalo kurang jelas liat http://www.yout*
Ini bukan cheat tapi trick :Yb

SELAMAT MENCOBA...:iloveindonesia
JANGAN DI :batabig
Senin, 16 Januari 2012
Posted by GaNz
***NEW*** The Scratch Card + Ginger Bread Coin Hack by ~NSH~

Its finally here the Scratch card hack with ginger coin as a BONUS !!!

Tools Required:


-SWF Hack Files

- 3 Scratch Card
- 1 Ginger Bread coin
- Emblem (temporary)


1. Open fiddler
2. Goto autoresponder tab & tick:
i) enable autoresponse
ii) unmatched requests passthrough
3. Now open hack files you downloaded
4. Drag the swf files ( i.e. data_library_en.swf and mission_01.swf) into the bar below autoresponder
5. Click clear cache in fiddler
6. Now clear your browser's cache:

i) goto options
ii) under the hood
iii) clear browsing data
iv) tick cache & untick others (history etc)
v) clear browsing data

For Mozillia:
i) Goto tools
ii) Clear private data/recent history
iii) tick cache & untick others (history etc)
iv) Click clear now

NOTE: Set the time range for clear cache for 1 day if you have already opened ninja saga atleast once in your browser otherwise No need to clear browser's cache if you haven't played ninja saga today.

7. Now open ninja saga
8. You will be a premium user (temporarily)
9. Create a new character
Recommended settings for a new character (as it increases chances of getting tokens):
Name: Player
Gender: Female
Hair Style: Default (dont change the hairstyle)
Hair Colour: Red

10. First training mission will be instant -> Now you will get 3 scratch cards + a Ginger Bread Coin
11. Scratch 3 times for tokens and then Pick a Gift with the ginger coin
12. If you get tokens they will be added to your Main Account -> or you could train the new character till lv 8 (without using xp bank hack) -> @ lv 8 NS gives out tokens/gold to a new character, so you have a 50% chance of getting tokens or a 50% chance of getting gold! GOOD LUCK :)
14. Refresh page -> Delete the character you created -> Make a new character with the recommended settings
13. You will again get the 3 scratch cards & a ginger bread coin -> Scratch Cards -> Pick a Gift 
14. Repeat these steps until you are satisfied with the tokens you get !!!

All the tokens you earn from your new character's ID will be added to your Main Character's ID (as long as you dont use them) -> all other items the New character gets (jutsu/clothing/weapon/back-item/gold/cons.items) will be only added to the new character's account !!!

15. Enjoy :)

Emblem Players don't need to use this hack they can just directly make a new character with the recommended settings and get their 3 scratch cards (+1 as a bonus to all Emblem players given by NS) and ginger coin!
As for the free users -> this is a lengthy process but remembers NS will never give tokens so easy & these tokens will never come flying to you on their own :p
You always have to do something yourself :p

Good Luck with the grand prize -> no need to use 5 tokens/10 tokens to scratch a card/pick a gift :)
Posted by GaNz

just drag and go to shop

ENJOY !!!!
Posted by GaNz

tools :

- Expat Shield

Steps :

1. go to And go to earn saga token
2. go to Gwaller , supersonic Ads or Matomy
4. click Free , videos or surveys because it not use payments
5. To complete the offers you need those infos :

Phones no : 0795867716 / 0955584766 / 070 697 6687 / 078 697 395 55

Zip Code : TF9 2Pu

Landline phone no. : write anything u want to but start with 08
email Address : use google mail or Yahoo
day / month / year : 02 / 01 / 1970

if you are passing survyes always make sure that you put your self +30 years old, and if it
ask u about money , job and family always choose :

money : 50000 to 10000
job : self employed
Family : merried / 2 childred 1 mand and 1 female

5. after completing offers go to confirm the mail on yahoo or goole mail
Posted by GaNz
For those who get error 2000 while loging in NS use this method for the solution:

- open ninja saga -> select character but do not click Play
- open charles -> enable breakpoints
- Go to NS -> click play -> charles will open -> click execute 4 times
- now in charles -> go to edit request tab and then amf tab -> Now you will see your friends id like this:
[0]----------------------string------------random numbers
[1]----------------------string------------friends ids:'xxxxxxxxxx','xxxxxxxxxx',etc
This is the problem that is causing the error. For some reason NS is unable to load all your friends in NS

- here's the tricky part -> edit your friends ids by double clicking them (in string --[1]--) -> rub out all the ids but leave out atleast 5 of them
- disable breakpoints in charles and click execute one last time
- NS will open ====>

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